How we can work together

I want to work with you and your business if…

✔️ You are a small-medium trade/service business owner.

✔️ You are an established and experienced business.

✔️ You have a small to medium sized team.

✔️ You are a profitable business but know there is more goodness in there.

✔️ You have the capacity for growth if that is your business path.

✔️ You want a business that is less reliant on you to generate your time freedom.

✔️ You are 10/10 on the commitment scale of improving your business and your life.

✔️ You are open minded, friendly and coachable - we are going to be spending a bit of time together!

Is this you?

Your valuable time..

You’re spending at least 15 - 20 hours a week on finance and operational admin. Your phone rings all time of the day and night with clients, sub-contractors, suppliers and employees.

You never get to fully switch off and it’s hard to take a day off let alone plan a holiday.

You’re busy busy busy…

But the profit isn’t there. You aren’t sure which jobs make you money and which jobs don’t so you say yes to every job that comes your way. You ignore red flags in clients that then cause you headahces in your business.

Your cashflow is a mess and this is causing you weekly and sometimes daily stress. You dread looking at your bank accounts and constantly worry how you will pay your financial obligations.

You struggle to get off the tools to work on the business.

You’re letting your customers and your team down…

Customers are being left waiting or not getting the great service you want to provide and you are making promises you can’t keep. There’s not clear roadmap of your customer journey and it’s just best efforts.

Your team don’t have autonomy to crack on with their jobs because a key part of every job is in your head, so all parties are frustrated.

There’s lack of consistency from one job to the next.

You are stuck at a certain level of business…

You are proud of what you have achieved so far, but can’t quite work out how to get to that next level of profitability and revenue growth or the capacity to step away from the day to day working ‘in’ the business.

You physically can’t work any ‘more’.

The hustle is hectic…

You are making great revenue and profit but it isn’t sustainable and you can’t grow from this state. You’re working 60-70 hours a week for a few months and then nothing because you’re not brining in new leads.

Business is a roller coaster ride filled with stress and burn out.

Not only for you but your spouse too.

Your business is negatviely impacting your life and your relationship?

The long hours, the stress, the phone constantly ringing and beeping with notifications. The thought of taking time off is stressful so you don’t bother.

Stressed when you are home with your mind on the business, job, finances and where the cash is going to come from to pay tax and wages next month…

You’re missing out on weekends away, kids sport and your own hobbies are gathering dust.

Your mental and physical health might not be in tip top shape.

How you can work with me…

Retained Services

Think me in your business. How long we work together is entirely up to you.

This is getting you off the business roller coaster and getting all the important levers in your business streamlined and optimised for maximum profit and sustainability without the overwhelm.

We’ll initially look at where your business is now, and where you want it to be in 1 and 5 years time and work out an actionable plan to get you there. We’ll identify where the gaps are in the business and work out a sustainable way to work on them.

I will work on this WITH you, doing the parts I do best, to leave you to do what you do best.

You want to take your business from survival mode to stable and successful.

We’ll get your business on a page to review weekly or monthly with your key business metrics so you know that state and health of your business at any given moment and aren’t stressed about cashflow and upcoming payments.

After our discovery call we can work out a level of support that is going to get you where you want to be and your business humming without the stress and overwhelm.

Each week you’ll be intentionally working on the business and doing more things that are within your expert zone and stop putting out fires. Moving from reactive to proactive to get the level of revenue and profit that is going to support your life.

Working alongside you in your business to move the needle. Supporting you to make informed and proactive financial and operational decisions giving you peace of mind and time back in your day.


Business can be hard, and can take a toll on our physical and mental health.

I have got you. Alongside an actionable business plan in your operations, I want to support you to be the best version of you. Because if you aren’t 100%, your business is going to suffer.

If you can unlock what might be holding you back or keeping you stuck, then truly the world is your limit.

Together we can work out how you might be self-sabotaging and how this could be subconsciously showing up in your business.

One by one we can eliminate the stress factors that are showing up and are impacting your business and home life to create more time and peace.

When you are feeling good, your business will get better from you.

Combining my financial strategy expertise with wellbeing and self development practices is the winning formula for success.

I can’t wait to see you thrive in business and in life.

Kind support from me, in a private and confidential space

Business and Wellbeing mentoring with accountability and support. Bringing life and business together in a healthy way. Supporting you in being the CEO of your business and your life.

Project Management

If you have a massive to-do list in your head of operational and finance projects that you want mapped out and executed, then take them off the ‘one day’ list and pass them over to me.

These can be one off or ongoing projects to optimise or establish processes, they could be profitability and growth projects - anything operational or financial that is going to give you back time in your day and to have the business humming without your direct input into every part - let’s do it.

Planning and execution of one off or on going business projects to optimise efficiency, profitability and growth.

I want to support you in making your business one that you love, that serves you and supports the life you are building and creating around it.

I will help you unlock the strategy and generate your best CEO mindset that together with inspired action will create a business that will support the life you want to build and live.

Just a few of the things I can help you with…

✔️ Build a structured and systemised business that doesn’t rely on you.

✔️ Build a capable team that is accountable so there’s no constant fire fighting and endless calls from clients, teams and subcontractors.

✔️ Create boundaries with your time and energy, for your team, your clients and your family at home.

✔️ Get time back in your life for the things you love doing outside of business - free from worry.

✔️ Understand your core numbers that drive your business to increase profit and time freedom.

✔️ Price and accept jobs with confidence, knowing which jobs to leave on the table.

✔️ Get rid of your cashflow headaches knowing you have a cashflow forecast.

✔️ Learn how to measure the relevant metrics in y our business to make informed financial decisions.

✔️ Learn how to be a great leader and inspire your team for excellence, improving staff retention and create clients who are raving fans.